our vision

We envision contributing to global development goals through research and development, and solutions generation in the areas of technology, social and sustainable development, using innovative ideas via research, and various initiatives.

our mission

Our mission is to be the brain trust, idea brokers, and information providers in our various intervention domains, applying rigorous scientific based approaches.

We aim to suggest policies to people, institutions, businesses, governments, and decision makers, contributing to sustainable development.

Our Services


SGAfrik offers research services in various intervention domains, including Smart Agriculture, Climate Change, Energy Transition, and Data Science, by training and supporting the young and early career researchers.


We provide consulting services to individuals, institutions, and governments on sustainable development, social, and technology. Our consulting team interve in a range of domains, including environmental sustainability, education, energy, climate change and climate science, data science, A.I., sustainable agriculture.


SGAfrik offers training services to businesses, institutions, and individuals in various intervention domains, including Smart Agriculture, Climate Change and climate science, Remote Sensing and GIS, Energy Transition and Data Science.
  • Boulevard des Armées
  • Rue Tchitchao
  • Lomé, Togo

SGAfrik © 2024. All Rights Reserved.

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